Somalia's Galmudug executes 3 men for murder in public display

Friday June 07, 2024 - 12:45:35 in Latest News by Horn Observer Contributor
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    Somalia's Galmudug executes 3 men for murder in public display

    DHUSAMAREB, Somalia (HORN OBSERVER – Officials from the local court in the Galgadud region announced the execution of three young men in a public display outside Dhusamareb on Thursday, the capital of Galmudug.

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PICTURED: Nur Abdi Mohamed Hashi, 21, Shueyb Mohamed Farah, 19, and Bile Abdullahi Hassan, 20, were executed by a firing squad in an open field, with media invited to witness the event.
DHUSAMAREB, Somalia (HORN OBSERVER – Officials from the local court in the Galgadud region announced the execution of three young men in a public display outside Dhusamareb on Thursday, the capital of Galmudug.

The men were sentenced to death for the murder of two brothers in Ilix village near Guricel town last year.

Nur Abdi Mohamed Hashi, 21, Shueyb Mohamed Farah, 19, and Bile Abdullahi Hassan, 20, were executed by a firing squad in an open field, with media invited to witness the event.

Court officials spoke to the press, emphasizing the gravity of the crime and the court’s decision to carry out the death sentences.

In February, a court in the Galgaduud region found the three men guilty and sentenced them to death. An appeal against this sentence was overturned in April, sealing their fate.

Executions in Somalia are not uncommon and are conducted by both the government and the militant group Al-Shabaab, which operates its own Sharia courts.

The public execution underscores Somalia’s strict adherence to capital punishment for severe crimes, reflecting a broader trend of legal enforcement in the country.

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